09 December 2010

Doug's Birthday

(posted by: Stacy)

Okay, so, I'm a little behind with my blog posts. I apologize. Now, let's all try to move on and get updated on each others' lives, okay? :)

We've had a lot happen in the past month or so. Let's start with Doug's birthday.

Poor Doug. We moved to Vietnam on the 15th of October which meant two things on his birthday, October 29th:

1) We were nearly broke. Moving from the Dominican Republic cost us something like $6,000.00. Also, we had to put down a couple grand on our apartment November 1st. This meant no fancy presents for Doug.

Oh well, I guess we can't be ballers forever.

2) We were also moving the day after his birthday, which meant no fun weekend trip to celebrate. Last year, if you recall, we spent Doug and JP's (our friend who now lives in California and shares a birthday with Doug) birthday at a cabin in the mountains of the Dominican Republic. It was amazing. Clearly, this birthday could not compare.

Nonetheless, we had a nice time.

The day started with Doug demanding his presents first thing in the morning. Okay, so, maybe "demanding" is a little bit of an exaggeration. But he did insist and I did cave. So I gave him all of his presents before brushing my teeth, including a card that my parents had written before we left Boise.

That evening, we went to the Tavern, which is an expatriate bar near our apartment. They serve western-style food and good beer, so it seemed like a good choice.

Some friends from work joined us for dinner and drinks on the patio.

Later, they got the great idea of ordering beer bongs, which were on special.

Doug thought this was really funny.

Then, they got the great idea of ordering four shots of Tequila. All for Doug. This, he did not find so funny.

We passed on the liquor and took pictures of ourselves instead. It seemed like a better use of our time, anyway. Photos > Liquor.

All in all, it was a pretty good birthday, even if we didn't get to spend it at the beach or in the mountains. Of course, it would have been much, much better with all of you lovely and wonderful friends and family here to celebrate.